With a contrasting mix of blues and cool neutrals, the Diamond Striped Throw is the perfect balance of luxury, comfort, and style. This is not a throw you’ll want to tuck away in the linen closet. You’ll want this throw on display draped over your sofa, a chair or even at the end of your bed for a cool pop of color. That’s only when you’re not wrapped in the plush softness of this throw. The exciting diamond stripe pattern makes this throw a stand out! Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, the Diamond Stripe Throw is an excellent choice thanks to the undeniable touch of luxury that comes with every Kashwére product. So do your body a favor, envelope yourself in this throw and experience relaxation like never before.
About This Product
Size: 52” x 70”
Material: Kash-cozy™
Weave: Ultra-Plush
Easy Care: Get the feel of cashmere without the fuss